I was thinking to the previous post about the measure of the effort in a project – estimate the costs of development and QA before the project has started and there is little data – when I came across an announce in a forum about measurement of software quality, for a conference on the same subject.
You know, one of these events in which various speakers do a presentation on topics such as ‘what metrics to assess projects’ or participate to roundtables about ‘methods for estimating development costs and maintenance’.
The author of this thread asked to the forum members what topics of discussion they would like to see addressed at this conference, which triggered a series of responses and reactions rather unusual, that I will summarize briefly:
- Halt, stop, enough, enough of presentations and ‘papers’ on “How to measure productivity in software development?”, “Effective measures of risk” or “Using Function Points in the aerospace industry”.
- It is now more than 35 years that we use metrics and yet IT departments continue to ignore measures of code quality and the number of software projects that failed or are delayed is always higher. Continue reading