Monthly Archives: September 2012

The future of Application Quality

I was thinking to the previous post about the measure of the effort in a project – estimate the costs of development and QA before the project has started and there is little data – when I came across an announce in a forum about measurement of software quality, for a conference on the same subject.

You know, one of these events in which various speakers do a presentation on topics such as ‘what metrics to assess projects’ or participate to roundtables about ‘methods for estimating development costs and maintenance’.

The author of this thread asked to the forum members what topics of discussion they would like to see addressed at this conference, which triggered a series of responses and reactions rather unusual, that I will summarize briefly:

  • Halt, stop, enough, enough of presentations and ‘papers’ on “How to measure productivity in software development?”, “Effective measures of risk” or “Using Function Points in the aerospace industry”.
  • It is now more than 35 years that we use metrics and yet IT departments continue to ignore measures of code quality and the number of software projects that failed or are delayed is always higher. Continue reading

Early effort estimation before you start the project

Vicente Merino asked me in the last post about Complexity and QA effort : « How to estimate the effort when you do not have code? » And more specifically « Is it possible to decide at the beginning of the project, if it will be a project important enough to require an independent QA team and formalize a test plan? ».

For example, imagine that you are responsible of the applications in aTelco company. It is therefore your responsibility that:

  • customers can log on to the website to view their bill, the number of points, acquire new services, a new cellular, etc.
  • employees can connect to the same site but also to other applications in order to verify a customer account, a potential default of payment, etc.
  • commercial applications can sell and financial applications can charge. Continue reading

Complexity and QA effort

In the previous post, I asked the question ‘What is a large application?’ and I proposed two tables of measures, based on the number of lines of code (LOC) or the number of objects to categorize the applications as ‘simple’ , ‘medium’, ‘large’ and ‘very large’.

Of course, as I expected, discussions in forums about code analysis and software metrics immediately went toward Function Points, the definition of what is an application or the type of measure used by each participant in order to estimate the size of an application. The numbers that I had given were not discussed.

This week, another ‘quiz’ of the same kind: ‘What is a complex application?’ And ‘Is it possible to evaluate the QA effort depending on the complexity of application?’ Continue reading

Application size

Back from holidays, back to work.

I’ve got some ideas for this new season, but let’s just start with a little ‘quiz’.

Imagine that you are asked to categorize an application acccording to its size, number of lines of code (LOC) or number of objects. What is your estimate of a small application? When do you say that an application is big? What are the numbers for a ‘monstrous’ one?

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