Monthly Archives: May 2013

Install SonarQube – SonarQube analysis with Jenkins

Analyse Sonar avec JenkinsThis series of articles on installing SonarQube will end with this post. Let’s remember what were the objectives:

  • Establish an environment of code analysis to measure the quality of applications.
  • Without requiring technical knowledge about Java, databases, network, or open source tools.

You are a pro in the Mainframe Cobol or SAP worlds, or a quality consultant, you act as as stakeholder or an interface between users and project teams, you are a project manager in charge of managing outsourcers for your IT department: this series showed you how to install SonarQube on your PC (a simple laptop in my case) in order to easily and regularly analyze any delivery of code or a new version of an application.

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Install SonarQube – The SonarQube Jenkins plugin

Installer Sonar - Le plugin Sonar pour JenkinsAfter installing Jenkins, we will now see how to interface it with our SonarQube environment.

If you have not been following along this series about creating an environment of code analysis with SonarQube, here are the items we need today:

You can also have a look at the documentation about configuring the SonarQube Jenkins Plugin, on the SonarSource website.

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