Monthly Archives: December 2014

SonarQube upgrade

Upgrade SonarQubeIt’s been a long time since I updated my SonarQube environment. Six months or more, I’m still in version 4.2, while the latest version is a 4.5.1 LTS (Long Term Support). Therefore a good candidate for installation.

This article Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Agility and Stability on the blog SonarSource describes the aims and objectives of such a version. This 4.5.1 release not only offers corrections but also many changes and new features.

This is not the first post I write about a SonarQube upgrade, you will find them all together under this part SonarQube – Installation on my blog. This article will be more concise, with referrals to these previous and detailed posts, when needed. Continue reading