Monthly Archives: April 2015

Do Developers Dream of Automated Function Points? (II)

Qualilogy - Automated Function PointsWe talked in our previous post, about Function Points, a metric usually not known by developers, and if it could be useful to them.

Our answer was rather negative, especially if we consider that such an estimate is performed manually by consultants who rely on a complex process. There are many certifications whose purpose is to validate that a consultant knows these concepts and how to implement them correctly. Continue reading

Do Developers Dream of Automated Function Points? (I)

Qualilogy - Automated Function PointsThe title of this post is transposed from the title of a science fiction novel that you might know: « Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? », from the author Philip K. Dick.

This book served as the screenplay for the movie « Blade Runner » by Ridley Scott, in which a detective must find and neutralize androids that nothing can distinguish from humans. Continue reading