Category Archives: Sonar – Installation

SonarQube upgrade

Upgrade SonarQubeIt’s been a long time since I updated my SonarQube environment. Six months or more, I’m still in version 4.2, while the latest version is a 4.5.1 LTS (Long Term Support). Therefore a good candidate for installation.

This article Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Agility and Stability on the blog SonarSource describes the aims and objectives of such a version. This 4.5.1 release not only offers corrections but also many changes and new features.

This is not the first post I write about a SonarQube upgrade, you will find them all together under this part SonarQube – Installation on my blog. This article will be more concise, with referrals to these previous and detailed posts, when needed. Continue reading

Upgrade SonarQube-Runner and Jenkins

JenkinsUpgradeI updated my version of SonarQube int the post SonarQube Upgrade 4.0, which was an opportunity to document some errors encountered.

I also wanted to updater other components such as the SonarQube-Runner and Jenkins and Mr. Jenkins caused me some problems.

So this post will allow us to see an upgrade of the SonarQube-Runner and Jenkins, as well as solve (or avoid) the errors encountered. Continue reading

SonarQube Upgrade 4.0

SonarUpgrade4.0 The last post about SonarQube described an update of version. Unfortunately, I was a bit late between the time I did the upgrade and when I wrote the post, so that in the meantimes, a new version of SonarQube has been available.

This is a version 4.0 (so, a major one), that I did install this weekend. And as I did some errors, this is an opportunity to update this post SonarQube upgrade and to document these error messages and how I solved them.

I will not detail all the steps of upgrade as in the previous article, but simply specify the errors encountered. Continue reading

SonarQube Upgrade

After preparing the upgrade of our SonarQube version in the previous post, about upgrade prerequisites, which allowed us to present how to make a backup of our Oracle database (or at least of the Sonar schema), we will see now how to perform this upgrade.

Remember that you can always consult the documentation on this subject since the SonarSource site. This procedure changes very rarely, but I recommend that you always refer to it, in case this article would become obsolete.

Also, our will realize an upgrade of SonarQube installed as a Windows service.

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SonarQube upgrade – Prerequisites


We have seen previously how to migrate SonarQube from Tomcat to a Windows service and how to use SonarQube as a Windows service with Jenkins under Tomcat,

I did use the same release 3.5.1 to perform this migration from Tomcat to a Windows service, and as it is already old, this will be an opportunity to make an upgrade of Sonarqube and update our environment with new versions of plugins.

I will document this operation in two articles, including this first one to present the steps to prepare our upgrade. This will also be the opportunity to see how to do an Oracle backup. Continue reading

Migrate Jenkins from Tomcat to a Windows service

MigrerJenkinsOur current series of posts focuses on the migration of SonarQube and Jenkins from Tomcat to Windows services.

We have seen how to realize this migration for SonarQube, while still working with Jenkins on Tomcat. I mean, without losing our SonarQube repository, our dashboard, the results of our analysis, the profiles, etc. but also with the ability to launch projects already configured in Jenkins, and without losing any installed plugins, including the one used for the SonarQube Runner.

Today we will see how to migrate Jenkins to a Windows service. And finally get rid of that good old Tomcat.  Continue reading

SonarQube as a Windows service with Jenkins under Tomcat

SonarQube2 We have seen in our previous post how to migrate SonarQube to a Windows service.

We actually made ​​a new installation, without loosing our repository previously built with our version of SonarQube under Tomcat. We have checked that our projects, the results of previous analyzes, but also all existing configurations (plugins, Quality Profiles, etc..) were not lost.

Good. But what about Jenkins? Our Jenkins under Tomcat was working with the Tomcat version of SonarQube. And now it is working with SonarQube as a Windows service.

How to proceed? Here are the steps I followed.

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Migrate SonarQube from Tomcat to a Windows service


As I have already mentioned, SonarQube will soon be no longer available for Tomcat, but only as a Windows service. That means that I will have to migrate my platform SonarQube / Jenkins.

This brings some questions: will I loose my settings? Will I loose my analysis? SonarQube uses a database to store the results of the analysis, so we can expect to keep them and their history.

But what about my SonarQube configuration? Will I have to reinstall plugins? Damn, where did I put the license keys for these plugins? And my Quality Profiles? Are they stored in the database or in a file?

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Install SonarQube – SonarQube analysis with Jenkins

Analyse Sonar avec JenkinsThis series of articles on installing SonarQube will end with this post. Let’s remember what were the objectives:

  • Establish an environment of code analysis to measure the quality of applications.
  • Without requiring technical knowledge about Java, databases, network, or open source tools.

You are a pro in the Mainframe Cobol or SAP worlds, or a quality consultant, you act as as stakeholder or an interface between users and project teams, you are a project manager in charge of managing outsourcers for your IT department: this series showed you how to install SonarQube on your PC (a simple laptop in my case) in order to easily and regularly analyze any delivery of code or a new version of an application.

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Install SonarQube – The SonarQube Jenkins plugin

Installer Sonar - Le plugin Sonar pour JenkinsAfter installing Jenkins, we will now see how to interface it with our SonarQube environment.

If you have not been following along this series about creating an environment of code analysis with SonarQube, here are the items we need today:

You can also have a look at the documentation about configuring the SonarQube Jenkins Plugin, on the SonarSource website.

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