Monthly Archives: May 2014

Legacy C application – Refactoring or reengineering? (II)

WordCLegacy_UseCases2We continue this series about the Use Cases that may arise with a Lecagy C application: Word 1.1a, first version of this word procesor released by Microsoft in 1990.

The first two posts were dedicated to metrics of size, complexity, level of comments and duplications, as well as various ‘Issues’ Blocker, Critical, Major and Minor. Continue reading

Madrid DevOps – Continuous Integration

Madrid_DevOps2Madrid DevOps is a group of profesionnals dedicated to … DevOps, as you can imagine. There is a ‘Meetup Group’ where to find news, mainly about new meetings each month.

On April 10, the talk was titled ‘Continuous Integration’, with Manuel Recena Soto and Antonio Manuel Muñiz de ClinkerHQ. I asked some questions about their presentation, that you can find on (in spanish). Continue reading

Legacy C application – Refactoring or reengineering? (I)

WordCLegacy_UseCases1Let’s continue our series about assessing the quality of the source code of Word 1.1a, the first version of the word processor released by Microsoft in 1990.

In the first post we saw quantitative metrics: size, complexity, level of comments and duplication. The second post was devoted to various Issues Blocker, Critical, Major and Minor. Continue reading